Anselm von Scherenschleifer
1 min readMay 19, 2021


I belong to both so I guess I'm even luckier. I'm not rich, but I'm doing a lot of stuff anyway. I'm going to a party but not every weekend (money saved). I'm travelling with university instead of alone or go to work for free at summer schools abroad (money saved). I buy a lot of small and cheap things (books and d&d dice) instead of few big things that cost a lot more (tv screens, new iphones* etc --> money saved). However, I'm waiting to move out until I'm actually earning real money, even though I could finance myself for a year or two without income. That's the backside. But except for that I have almost 0 real/felt shortcomings, while still saving huge amounts (at least relatively to my co-students).

*my phone is 4 years old now and was an old model already when I bought it for 200francs (for context: this is a quarter of my monthly income (I'm working 20%)).



Anselm von Scherenschleifer

Archaeologist, avid Reader and Cinéphile. Writing about Politics. Living in Switzerland